Just a few updates regarding the continued spread and threat of Covid-19. Services will continue as normal outside of a few minimal changes to ensure safety and proper precautions on dealing with Covid-19.
- Cats, COVID-19, Dogs, Facebook Group Tip, FYI, Medical Bulletin, Public Alert, Recent Changes, Service(s)
Pet Halloween Dangers
As we get festive with the trick or treaters dressing up in their costumes marching down our streets for treats of various kinds, we should keep in mind what maybe tasty fun for the children and yes – adults too, could be very dangerous for our pets. Sugar based candies and chocolates are just amongst the top dangers to our pets with several others that make the list to watch for. For most pets, there was a very useful article on the Pet Poison Helpline site that can be found by Clicking Here. For those of you cat lovers, I also found this article from CatTime that can be found by…
Breaking Down Vaccines
At one point as an animal or pet owner, we get them vaccinated and keep up with booster shots throughout their lives. Usually veterinarians break down the vaccines and such for clients/patients, but if you still feel like you’re confused or want more information breaking down the basics, here is some info and a few links to check out. I found this really helpful article from the pet division of WebMD, and it covered various topics really well such as: Should all animals be vaccinated? Do vaccines cause cancer or defects? What is a schedule of when I should think about vaccinating animals or pets? Check it out by clicking…
New Web Cam Service
Good Afternoon Kritter Parents! We are introducing the new Web Cam service. You will be able to reserve up to 1(One) cam per day during any reservation or appointment. There will be two types of camera’s available. Basic Cam: is a desk top or surface top cam that will have sound recognition, zooming and movable imaging, night vision mode, and two way radio capabilities. Cam Pan Pro: this moves in 360 degrees and can look in 180 degree angles and is totally movable to any direction with also giving you: will have sound recognition, zooming and movable imaging, night vision mode, and two way radio capabilities. This service is being…
- Cats, Dogs, Facebook Group Tip, FYI, Heat Stroke, Medical Bulletin, Pet Tips, Public Alert, Vets & Pets, Weather
Pet’s in the Heat & Vehicles
I find myself reminding people of the most simplest things regarding pets in the cars during the heat/summer months. I have found the American Kennel Club had a awesome article breaking down what you need to know when it comes to your kritters and warmer temperatures. Please share this with your family, friends, colleagues, and social media to pass an important message along. This could save a animals life! American Kennel Club Link – Click Here
Petcare If You’re Sick ..
Let’s understand that Our pets are family and we want to keep them safe and healthy as best as we can as Kritter Parents. If you think it is likely that you have been exposed to the coronavirus / illness or if you are experiencing symptoms, you can take some simple but critical steps to ensure your pet’s health and safety. Most important, do not wait until you’re already sick to plan for your pet’s care. 1. Things you might want to keep available: A two-week supply of your pet’s food, medications and additional necessities, such as cat litter, a carrier for small animals or special diet-related treats and supplements Updated…
COVID-19 Response
Urgent Public Health Alert Our lives have been temporary changed as the COVID-19 Virus (Coronavirus) has begun spreading not just in our country, but the entire world. Fears of the virus are not all that has people nervous, but also the repercussions that a pandemic of this size will cause to our daily lives. As the virus continues to spread, so will the protective measures we as people and a community will take to continue to move forward. There will be changes happening as we learn more about the COVID-19 virus that will help us all and our pets/animals. Effective immediately and until further notice, the Kritter Koncierge will…
Popular Poison(s) To Pet(s)
I found this list on the internet regarding top chemicals, products, and food that would be very toxic or life threatening to our pets. If you are ever confused if your pet may have ingested a toxic chemical, please call your veterinary clinic or local vet hospital for further help. Here is a great resource link I stumbled upon. www.petpoisonhelpline.com/pet-owners/basics/top-10-pet-poisons/ Please take this time to check through your own house and clear any items on this list out of your pet(s) reach!
What is Xylitol?
This is an important message folks! Most diabetic candy has an artificial sweetener called “Xylitol”. This is HIGHLY toxic to animals and can result in severe injury or death. I would like to take this time to ask each and every one of you pet parents to double check your households and perhaps move candy that may contain toxic chemicals to dogs that are not toxic to humans to a safer “pet proof” place to avoid urgent care or emergency situations for you and your pet(s). Below is a link that i have included from the FDA regarding Xylitol. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/paws-xylitol-its-dangerous-dogs
Cats or Dogs ? Or Both?
I found a great article that is worth forwarding to all you pet fellow pet owners. The author brings up a comical approach to the preferences of Dogs and Cats, and some more psychology fun in talking about what character traits that may interest you. Here is the link from Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/tech-support/201501/3-things-being-cat-person-or-dog-person-reveals-about-you