The Summer brings so many outdoor activities, places to travel to, and often – HOT temperatures! Lets take some time to go over some tips on heat exhaustion/Stroke and hot cars to help prevent our kritters from feeling crummy or dangerously ill. Heat Exhaustion / Heat Stroke Heat stroke is a term commonly used for hyperthermia or high body temperature. Generally speaking, if a pet’s body temperature exceeds 103°F (39.4°C), it is considered abnormal or hyperthermic. Body temperatures above 106°F (41°F) without previous signs of illness are most commonly associated with exposure to excessive external or environmental heat and are often referred to as heat stroke. The critical temperature where multiple organ…
- Cats, Dogs, Facebook Group Tip, FYI, Heat Stroke, Medical Bulletin, Medical Help, Pet Tips, Public Alert, Veterinary Bulletin, Veterinary FYI, Veterinary Health Tips, Weather
- Blog, Cats, Dogs, FYI, Pet Tips, Veterinary Bulletin, Veterinary FYI, Veterinary Health Tips, Vets & Pets, Weather
Allergy Season 2021
The Spring season is already in full force and our skin, and noses are surely feeling it! I wanted to give out some good tips on allergies for you all to have for FYI & reference. In this blog post, i’d like to cover: what allergy symptoms are What we can do to help treat those allergies What allergies to worry about this year? Seasonal allergies are generally formed by variants only present during specific times of the year such as Spring and Summer. Popular allergens may stem from: tree & grass pollen dust & dust mites mold & mold mites flea bites fresh grass How to React & Treat…
2021 Winter Reminders
Just a few quick reminders on tips to keep in mind regarding visits during the 2021 Winter Season. We WILL provide service when: Temperature is at least 10° or more. Wind chill is above zero (0°) Snow storms or Sunshine We will NOT provide service when: Temperature is at least 10° or more. Wind chill is below zero (0°). Severe Weather – That Would Impact Travel City / County / State Declared Emergencies If you should have questions regarding the winter agenda, please never hesitate to call us!
- Cats, Dogs, Facebook Group Tip, FYI, Heat Stroke, Medical Bulletin, Pet Tips, Public Alert, Vets & Pets, Weather
Pet’s in the Heat & Vehicles
I find myself reminding people of the most simplest things regarding pets in the cars during the heat/summer months. I have found the American Kennel Club had a awesome article breaking down what you need to know when it comes to your kritters and warmer temperatures. Please share this with your family, friends, colleagues, and social media to pass an important message along. This could save a animals life! American Kennel Club Link – Click Here
Hot Weather and Pets
This is that time of year where the heat can be ugly for our pets requiring us to know what dehydration and heat stroke symptoms to look for. Also, here is a great informative article from PetMD to help better identify the symptoms and have a basic understanding with medical help and treatments. Also never substitute calling a veterinarian or emergency vet hospital for online tips and advice.