Service & Rate Info

Service Rates are being updated and under construction currently to reflect the minor changes we have made in January of 2024.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this is causing you when looking for quotes or approximate pricing in regards to your animal / pet care. Please feel free to call or reach out to us during customer service hours with any questions, comments, or concerns during our time updating this page.


The Kritter Koncierge offers a variety of in home / on site services and Custom Care Plans tailored to each client’s individual needs and situation. In doing so, we provide a level of efficiency and trusted care which is sure to convince even the most discerning pet or animal parent/owner of our unwavering mission: The comfort, health, and safety of your animal!

Our affordable rates can also be combined with an assortment of special discounts, so be sure to inquire about them when you book your next appointment with us!

Basic Service(s)


Extra Rates & Fee’s


Kritter Kab Service Menu


Grooming Service Menu


Available Discounts

*New Years Eve, New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day are observed holidays.  Only these days will rates be adjusted to time and a half. Please contact us with any questions regarding price, availability, and discounts which are subject to be changed at any time.